Precipice - Camel
Dit is de énige precipice waarin je jezelf graag in ziet vallen. Ontworpen door Status Anxiety met ruime, wijde vakken - houdt je kaarten en passen aan de ene kant en je biljetten, paspoort en telefoon aan de andere kant.
🇬🇧 This is one Precipice you're going to want to get yourself onto. Designed with wide open spaces it holds all your cards on one side, and notes, coins and phone on the other.
⚡ This product has sold out. Request a restock HERE.
✖️ FYI: Free shipping within The Netherlands on orders of €50+
✖️ FYI: Free shipping to Belgium on orders of €100+
Precipice - Camel
Dit is de énige precipice waarin je jezelf graag in ziet vallen. Ontworpen door Status Anxiety met ruime, wijde vakken - houdt je kaarten en passen aan de ene kant en je biljetten, paspoort en telefoon aan de andere kant.
🇬🇧 This is one Precipice you're going to want to get yourself onto. Designed with wide open spaces it holds all your cards on one side, and notes, coins and phone on the other.
⚡ This product has sold out. Request a restock HERE.
✖️ FYI: Free shipping within The Netherlands on orders of €50+
✖️ FYI: Free shipping to Belgium on orders of €100+
...that you're busy these days. Juggling work, school, kids, sports, and a social life can be quite overwhelming. At A Little Bird Told Me..., we're dedicated to perfecting all the day-to-day accessories you need - or, as we like to call them, the very necessary accessories.
Our handpicked selection of items is sure to make your life easier and, dare we say, prettier too. From practical to stylish, we've got you covered. So why not take a moment to treat yourself and browse our collection? You deserve it!