2018 Best Year Ever Wall Calendar
Bereid je vast voor; 2018 is gonna be greaaaat! The best year ever! En de ban.do kalender zal je daar iedere dag aan gaan herinneren. De kalander heeft cute artwork, stickers en natuurlijk vast de fun holiday. De enige kalender die je ook not wilt bewaren als het jaar afgelopen is. Is niet erg hoor.
🇬🇧 Get ready—we have a feeling this year is going to be the best year ever! And our wall calendar is here to remind you of that every single day. Featuring fun holidays, awesome artwork from agenda artists, and stickers, this is one calendar you might just keep after the year is over. And we totally won't judge if you do.
20,3 x 58,4 cm | 12-month Calendar (jan-dec 2018) | Pink + Holographic Cover | Sticker Page | Hole Punched for Hanging | Metallic Gold Wire-o | ban.do Jaarkalender 2018 | ban.do Wall Calendar | ban.do Europe | ban.do België | ban.do Nederland
⚡ This product has sold out.
✖️ Free shipping within The Netherlands on orders of €50+
✖️ Free shipping to Belgium on orders of €75+
2018 Best Year Ever Wall Calendar
Bereid je vast voor; 2018 is gonna be greaaaat! The best year ever! En de ban.do kalender zal je daar iedere dag aan gaan herinneren. De kalander heeft cute artwork, stickers en natuurlijk vast de fun holiday. De enige kalender die je ook not wilt bewaren als het jaar afgelopen is. Is niet erg hoor.
🇬🇧 Get ready—we have a feeling this year is going to be the best year ever! And our wall calendar is here to remind you of that every single day. Featuring fun holidays, awesome artwork from agenda artists, and stickers, this is one calendar you might just keep after the year is over. And we totally won't judge if you do.
20,3 x 58,4 cm | 12-month Calendar (jan-dec 2018) | Pink + Holographic Cover | Sticker Page | Hole Punched for Hanging | Metallic Gold Wire-o | ban.do Jaarkalender 2018 | ban.do Wall Calendar | ban.do Europe | ban.do België | ban.do Nederland
⚡ This product has sold out.
✖️ Free shipping within The Netherlands on orders of €50+
✖️ Free shipping to Belgium on orders of €75+
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