Beach, Please! Giant Towel - Sardines
Regular price €49,50Als je dit leest, is het je vanaf nu officieel verboden om je gewone badkamerhanddoek ooit nog eens mee naar het strand te nemen. Je kunt beter dit strandlaken in je tas stoppen. Deze strandhanddoek is natuurlijk superleuk is en perfect voor Instagram. Droom maar even mee – jij languit op dit superleuke strandlaken met een Pina Colada in de hand, in je supercute bikini. Thank us later.
🌎 If you’re reading this, you are officially banned from taking your shower towel to the beach ever again. It’s time to up your beach game with our big and bold beach towel. Just imagine the photographic possibilities alone: You, stretched out on one of these insanely fun beauties, Pina Colada in your hand, looking cool as hell. You’re welcome!
Beach, Please! Giant Towel - Sardines
Regular price €49,50Als je dit leest, is het je vanaf nu officieel verboden om je gewone badkamerhanddoek ooit nog eens mee naar het strand te nemen. Je kunt beter dit strandlaken in je tas stoppen. Deze strandhanddoek is natuurlijk superleuk is en perfect voor Instagram. Droom maar even mee – jij languit op dit superleuke strandlaken met een Pina Colada in de hand, in je supercute bikini. Thank us later.
🌎 If you’re reading this, you are officially banned from taking your shower towel to the beach ever again. It’s time to up your beach game with our big and bold beach towel. Just imagine the photographic possibilities alone: You, stretched out on one of these insanely fun beauties, Pina Colada in your hand, looking cool as hell. You’re welcome!
...that you're busy these days. Juggling work, school, kids, sports, and a social life can be quite overwhelming. At A Little Bird Told Me..., we're dedicated to perfecting all the day-to-day accessories you need - or, as we like to call them, the very necessary accessories.
Our handpicked selection of items is sure to make your life easier and, dare we say, prettier too. From practical to stylish, we've got you covered. So why not take a moment to treat yourself and browse our collection? You deserve it!